Luminox Watch Review
Tuesday - 08 September 2015
Luminox Watches concept and design was realised by an entrepreneurial man who combined innovation with a niche in the watch market.
Meet Barry Cohen, an indivudal who was fascinated, inspired and driven by a Swiss self-powered illumination system. Safe with the knowledge that the technology would allow for timepieces to be legible in restricted lighting he recruited his good friend, Richard Timbo to ignite his vision. Dating back to 1989, Luminox has survived due to their dedication to continually supply sophisticated luminescence in a luxury sport watch platform. The apt title reads in line with their objective when translated from Latin - Lumi equals light and Nox is read as night.
A particularly high point in Luminox’s journey is the collaboration with the Navy SEALs. The Assistant RDT&E Officer for the Navy SEALs, Nick North, was set the task to find a reliable watch for night missions and fortunately Luminox was of course, the answer. Through the success of this partnership the watch brand was commissioned by the US Air Force to design a dependable watch for pilots flying the F-117 Nighthawk fighter jet in 1999; a proud list of alliances that trust Luminox for their professionalism, reliability and advanced technological approach to night vision.
Throughout Luminox’s existence their commitment to their goal has never wavered. A focus that has been appreciated by elite military officials and law enforcement units. The designs do not neglect individuals who admire watches for personal use who figure that if the Navy SEALs approve then a Luminox watch will survive everyday situations; an investment piece that will stand the test of time.
To appreciate Luminox’s creative and innovative approach to watchmaking that continues to evolve head over to Jura Watches.