Ebel Watch - An Admirer
Wednesday - 15 February 2012
22-year-old Louise Ebel is one such person. A student, she’s become one of the best known bloggers of this modern age. Her blog, which brings together all things fashionable and artistic, receives upwards of 25,000 hit on a daily basis.
What attracts so many people? If it’s not Miss Ebel’s candid words, it’s got to be her photographs. She enjoys playing with light--and imagery. Photo shoots are done in such a way as to bring to the fore gothic trends and the romanticism of bygone centuries. Ebel plays with legends and history in what can only be described as her own world.
Ebel the company makes it a point to clarify that although the name of the young lady matches it in terms of spelling, that there is no relation. Louise’s parents had owned Ebel pieces for several generations, and they inquired as to whether or not there was a further relation. But this investigation likely spawned the current partnership that we see today. On the watch website, we see young Miss Louise posing in a number of dramatic photographs, her Ebel Beluga piece sparkling.
This was the second photo shoot, perhaps of many to come. Ebel has asked Miss Louise to feature the company’s six prime models: the Beluga, Brasilia, Classic, Hexagon, Classic Sport, and 1911.
It should be mentioned that Louise Ebel is French, and that Ebel considers her a “generational icon.” Her opinion will go a long way toward influencing the world around her. Moreover, Louise’s blog is just two years old. In such a small amount of time, she’s captured the attention of the fashion world. Can you imagine what she’ll do once she’s no longer a student?